Created: July 24, 2023
No one ever talks about this invisible organism. You don't ever find yourself at the doctor getting your microbiome checked. It's primarily ignored.
Maybe it matters more than you think. Here's why:
Most people think of "gut health" because this area makes up the majority of our microbiomes. However, there are microbiomes that are a part of our eyes, ears, nose, throat, skin, and urogenital areas of our body as well.
Just take your oral microbiome, for example. You are 4.5 times more likely to have sugar metabolism issues if you use an alcohol-based mouthwash. It disrupts the microbiome in your mouth.
Your microbiomes are like a garden. If you take care of them, they'll take care of you. Meaning, if you take care of your microbiome, there will be no room for a pathogen to land and impact in a negative way. Just like in your garden, when you tend to it with setting a good foundation of soil and regular maintenance, you will have a greater yield.
How do you take care of your microbiome?
Improve the diversity and health of it by eating whole, unprocessed foods.
Biohack, or biostack, by being intentional about caring for your microbiome.
Our microbiome diversity decreases as we age. This increases our need to be intentional about feeding our microbiome with whole, unprocessed foods.
Increasing diversity in your body can increase your health. When we create a diverse environment, there is no room for a pathogen to land and impact our health in a negative way.
Take a probiotic daily. This is not a suggestion. It's a daily must. One source I recommend is PB Assist and PB Assist Jr. The double encapsulation ensures the good bacteria survives the stomach acids and makes it to the large intestine. Most probiotics do not make it past the stomach to make the most impact on your microbiome. If you happen to be reading this between July 25-27, 2023, you can buy one PB Assist, get one free.
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